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In Loving Memory of Clayton Matthews

In June of 2022, we lost Clayton to hemorrhagic stroke. We, his family and friends, were stunned and heartbroken by the sudden occurrence, and vowed to ensure his that his legacy continued to the next generation.  


While we miss and think about Clayton everyday, we saw the lasting impact he had on the community and sought to continue his legacy. Clayton would constantly care for those in his circle, making sure the students he worked with were always taken care of. Friends and strangers alike never went without whenever they were in need; he was truly everyone's best friend. He always shared the resources he had access to selflessly. In January of 2023, we founded this foundation in order to give back to the community just as Clayton did. 


What We Do

Clayton had a strong appreciation for giving back where he could and always helping others. Clayton Matthews Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to provide scholarship funds to young people who show academic excellence, have clearly defined goals, and the determination to succeed. We believe that every child deserves a chance to fulfill their dreams, and we are committed to helping them by offering financial support to cover their educational expenses. With your help, we will be able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these individuals by providing them with the resources they need to succeed.

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Meet our Team

Our Board of Directors is filled with people who loved Clayton, his family,  and miss him dearly. 


From Left to Right:

Kate Kramer 

Baker Garber

Hillary Irons

Kay Matthews 

Meredith Wells 

Micky Matthews 

Kyle Gillenwater

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© 2023 by Clayton Matthews Memorial Fund.

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